Johnson Residence
Blaine, WA
Johnson's Residence in Blaine, WA
Installation Type:
In-Building Cellular Solution
Building Size:
8,500 sq. ft.
Rural Residence Had Unusable Cell Signal
The Johnson’s rural home may be picturesque, but it suffers from serious cellular problems. This is more than just an inconvenience: as both Tom and Shelley work from home, this caused numerous interruptions and delays.
“Cell service was spotty or non-existent,” Shelley Johnson said. “Our internet connection comes via satellite and is spotty, so Wi-Fi Calling was not an option. We tried all local options (and spent lots of money) to channel cell signal to our home but none made much difference. For almost 2 years we searched for different solutions.”
It gets worse. Shelley’s job requirements involved hours of phone calls. Due to poor signal issues, she was forced into early retirement.
“Both of us work out of our home,” said Tom. “[Shelley] was on the phone most days consistently for hours which was difficult. Calls consistently dropped and the corporate office was irritated because client service was suffering. As a result of poor phone and internet coverage...[Shelley] retired.”
“Every call would have to be reconnected at least one time – but usually 3-4 times - before it could be completed,” Shelley recalled. “On top of that, we could not move freely in our home while on a call as any movement would cause calls to drop. Not only was this a problem for us, it was a problem for any guests.”
Not only was getting work done a major challenge, but health issues caused undue anxiety.
“Tom is diabetic and I was fearful i would not be able to hold a conversation with emergency services, should something have happened,” said Shelley.
Finally, after years of trying everything, the Johnsons got in touch with the experts at Signal Boosters.
The Signal Boosters team immediately recommended a Cel-Fi QUATRA 4000 system for optimal performance given the outdoor cell conditions. As the signal outdoors was poor, the +100 dB gain of this system would provide the absolute maximum power possible. Without the increased gain provided by the QUATRA 4000 system, multiple systems would have been necessary. A system design was created and supplied to the installation team.

A team of two installers were deployed to their residence, where they performed the installation in two days. The QUATRA 4000 booster was paired with three interior omni-directional coverage units, which were mounted to the ceiling. The donor antennas were mounted on two 38” J-Poles on the roof. The signal booster itself was wall-mounted in the attic, and paired with surge protectors and lengths of Bolton Technical UV-rated low-loss coaxial cable.
“We felt the customer service, design and install teams were very professional and respectful,” said Shelley Johnson. “Not only was the install team here to do a ‘job,’ they wanted to do it right and took our concerns into consideration. Because this is a residence, aesthetics were a concern. We were surprised how knowledgeable, concerned, and hardworking they were. They tested signal and tested signal, adjusted and adjusted until it was as close to perfect as possible.”
The Johnson house went from having barely usable cell signal to consistent, robust service.
We now have almost perfect cell phone coverage throughout our home,” said Shelley Johnson. “Calls are clear and are not dropping. We are able to be on the phone as well as move from room to room. Guests and workers can use their Mobile devices (if they are ATT or Verison). We no longer fear a 911 call, as we know we have the service, anywhere in our home, to make a call and have service for the duration of that call. Tom still works from home and now his calls are clear and don’t drop, improving his ability to work successfully.”
“I would say do not hesitate in allowing Signal Boosters to provide and install solutions,” said Tom Johnson. “At first, we thought the cost of the products were pricey and were nervous/scared to try yet ‘another solution.’ But Signal Boosters solved our problem and we would gladly use their services again.”

We were glad to help. Should you find yourself in a similar situation to the Johnsons, don’t hesitate to call us at 1-800-420-3211 for a free consultation, and see how consistent cellular signal can improve your life.